CIDSE activities at COP 21 in Paris – CIDSE

CIDSE activities at COP 21 in Paris


CIDSE will be in Paris on the occasion of COP 21 carrying out advocacy activities and actively supporting the civil society mobilization for climate justice

Download below our programme of activities.

When leaders meet in Paris in December for the UN climate talks it will be a great chance to call for climate justice, to keep the pressure on policy makers and meet with committed people from around the world.
In light of a new way of working within the CIDSE family, and recognising the added value of engaging at several levels, CIDSE will be present in Paris both following the official negotiations and engaging and mobilizing with the rest of the civil society gathering in the city of Paris through various activities.

CIDSE will follow the official negotiations from 30 November until 11 December 2015, advocating for climate justice and for the voice of the most vulnerable to be heard. Policy experts from the entire CIDSE network will work together to ask for a fair, ambitious legally binding agreement signed by all Parties (Countries) at COP21. A side event organized by CIDSE, Caritas Internationalis, Misereor and Friends of the Earth International will shade light on the importance of ensuring human rights when undertaking climate related actions. The event will take place on Monday 7th December; examples from the Oceania and Pan Amazonian regions will be presented.

In its advocacy activities, CIDSE will follow the principles expressed in its recently released paper: “Paris, for the People and the Planet”. Inspired by the Encyclical’s forward-looking vision, CIDSE stresses that governments should place the poorest communities who are suffering the most from climate change impacts at the centre of the debate. As we express in the paper, we advocate for a Paris agreement that should foresee the phasing out of all fossil fuel emissions and the move towards a 100% renewable energy future with sustainable energy access for all. It should ensure that a 1.5°C threshold is enshrined in a legally binding global agreement, set a goal for complete decarbonisation by 2050 and establish 5-yearly reviews of pledges to ratchet-up ambition. Furthermore, in order to pay the “ecological debt” owed to poorer countries, rich countries should deliver adequate, predictable and timely climate finance to poor countries.

On 28 November, together with faith based organizations, we will welcome pilgrims from all around the world, who are currently marching towards Paris. That will also be the occasion for an official delivery of the signatures of the Global Catholic Climate Movement’s petition, supported by CIDSE and its members in the run up to Paris and in collaboration with faith based organizations. Click here for more information.

On the eve of the climate conference opening, our members will march in the streets of the world’s major cities (on the 28th and 29th November) for the Global Climate March. CIDSE members will take part in the climate march in their countries (London, Rome, Madrid, Zurich, Ottawa, etc….).

From 9 to 13 December 2015 CIDSE will bring together in Paris about 130 people from the entire network including campaigners, leadership and volunteers. All together, and in collaboration with our partners and allies from all around the world, we will hold a 5-day programme, including workshops, exchanges and actions outside the official negotiations and in the framework of our ongoing campaign Change for the planet – Care for the people. (A detailed programme will be available soon). We will additionally follow some of the activities organized by the Coalition Climat 21.

See here below an overview of our activities in Paris. We will update the programme with the latest information in the upcoming few days.

Tuesday 1/12, 17:00 Working across civil society: hunger, faith and climate
1 December 2015, 17:00 – 18:30
Venue: Le Bourget, Climate Generations Area (Green Zone – open to everyone no accreditation needed)
Organised by: Fast for the Climate

Thursday 3/12, 19:30 Ecumenical service
3 December 2015, 19:30
Venue: Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris, 6 Parvis Notre-Dame, Place Jean-Paul II, PARIS 04 (Metro Cité, Saint Michel, Châtelet, Hôtel de Ville)

Saturday 5/12 and Sunday 6/12 –Deconstructing the model: workshop on false solutions agriculture/climate
-Change of paradigm: think ecosystem to determine the practices
-The change of model by actors
5 December 2015, 10:00-12:00 Session 1/3 – 14:00–16:00 Session 2/3
6 December 2015, 14:00–16:00 Session 3/3
Venue: Citizen’s Climate Forum, Lycée Jean Jaurès, Salle Polyvalente, 1 rue Dombasle, Montreuil. (Metro line 9, Mairie de Montreuil et Croix de Chavaux)
Organised by: CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Inades, Copagen, CMAT – CENSAT – Focus

Sunday 6/12: Just Transition, a dialogue – An ITUC special event See also flyer in attachment.
Leaving no one behind: alliances for securing a just transition for workers and communities
09:30-11:00: Session 1 – 11:30-13:00: Session 2
Venue: Salle des Fêtes, Mairie de Montreuil. (Metro line 9, Mairie de Montreuil)
Organised by: ITUC

Sunday 6/12 Towards a UN Treaty on TNCs- Can this make a difference to de-railing the current Trade & Investment regime and Climate Change?
6 December 2015, 14:00 – 16:00
Venue: Citizen’s Climate Forum, Lycée Jean Jaurès, Salle 406, 1 rue Dombasle, Montreuil (Metro line 9, Mairie de Montreuil et Croix de Chavaux)
Organised by: TNI, FoE, Aitec, FIAN, CIDSE/ CCFD-Terre Solidaire, FIDH, ESCR-Net, Franciscans Int. See flyer in attachment.

Monday 7/12, 11:30 Deal with it! People, Rights, Justice (Accreditation at Le Bourget needed). See also flyer in attachment.
7 December 2015, 11:30- 13:00
Venue: Le Bourget
Organised by: CIDSE, Misereor, Caritas Internationalis, Friends of the Earth International

Monday 7/12, 14:00 Women’s movement building for ecological and climate justice
7 December 2015, 14:00-16:00
Venue: Grand Croisat, Bourse du Travail, 3 Rue du Château d’Eau, PARIS 10 (Metro République)
Organised by: WoMin African Gender and Extractives Alliance, Rural Women’s Assembly, People’s Dialogue, Ibon International, International Women’s All, CCFD-Terre Solidaire

Tuesday 8/12, 10:00 Women united for food energy and climate justice
8 December 2015, 10:00-12:00
Venue: Salle Olympe de Gouges, 15 Rue Merlin, Paris 11 (Metro Père Lachaise or Voltaire)
Organised by: WoMin, African Gender and Extractives Alliance, Rural Women’s Assembly, CIDSE, Franciscans International, JPIC Mining and Franciscans Delegation at COP 21, Million Climate Jobs Campaign, WARDC

Wednesday 9/12 A speak out with testimonies from communities impacted by extractives activities
9 December 2015, 10:00-12:00
Venue: Salle Olympe de Gouges, 15 Rue Merlin, Paris 11 (Metro Père Lachaise or Voltaire)
Organised by: People’s dialogue

Thursday 10/12, 15:00 Move towards sustainable lifestyles for the people and the planet See flyer in attachment.
10 December 2015, 15:00-18:00
Venue: Salle Jean Dame, 17 Rue Leopold Bellan PARIS 02 (Metro Bourse or Sentier)
Organised by: CIDSE, Via Campesina, FIMARC, JESC, Rural Women Assembly, WoMin

Thursday 10/12, 16:00 Towards a post-mining society and economy? We have alternatives See flyer in attachment.
10 December 2015, 16:00-18:00
Venue: Atelier du Milieu, Centre CentQuatre, 104 Rue d’Aubervilliers, PARIS 19 (Metro Riquet)
Organised by: People’s dialogue, Churches and Mining, WoMining, Franciscans International, CIDSE, Million Climate Jobs, PACS

Friday 11/12, 09:30 -17:15: Agriculture and rural areas in the ecological transition
11 December 2015, 09:30-17:15
Venue: Maison de la Conférence des Evêques de France (CEF), 58 Avenue de Breteuil 75007 Paris
Organised by: FIMARC (Chrétiens dans le Monde Rural and Mouvement Rural de Jeunesse Chrétienne) See flyer in attachment.

Friday 11/12, 10:00 Rethinking development – Coming together to act for systems change See flyer in attachment.
11 December 2015, 10:00-12:00
Venue: Salle Ferrer, Bourse du Travail, 3 Rue du Château d’Eau, PARIS 10 (Metro République)
Organised by: CIDSE, DKA/KOO, ABONG, CEAS, IBASE, Rural Women Assembly, PACS

Friday 11/12, 12:00 Ecology and Spirituality: A multidimensional justice perspective
11 December 2015, 12:00-14:30
Venue: Salle Olympe de Gouges, 15 Rue Merlin, Paris 11 (Metro Père Lachaise or Voltaire)
Organised by: CCFD-Terre Solidaire, CIDSE, Secours Catholique, Caritas Internationalis

Friday 11/12, 13:00 Dialogue and political engagement with African Policy makers at COP 21
11 December 2015, 13:00-15:00
Venue: Salle 200, Centre CentQuatre, 104 Rue d’Aubervilliers, PARIS 19 (Metro Riquet)
Organised by: Rural Women’s Assembly (RWA), People’s Dialogue, Women in Mining, Economic Justice Network, Million Climate Jobs (South Africa), SAPSN (Southern African People’s Solidarity
Network), Justice and Peace Nigeria / SECAM/CIDSE, WARDC (tbc), Social Action Nigeria (tbc)

Friday 11/12, 15:00 Speak out against destructive extractives
11 December 2015, 13:00-15:00
Venue: Grand Croisat, Bourse du Travail, 3 Rue du Château d’Eau, PARIS 10 (Metro République)
Organised by: People’s Dialogue, Rural Women’s Assembly, WoMin, African Gender and Extractives, CCFD-Terre Solidaire

Sunday 13/12, 11:15 Catholic Mass
13 December 2015, 11:15
Venue: Eglise St Merry, 76 Rue de la Verrerie, PARIS 04 (Metro Châtelet, Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau)
Organised by: Parish community St Merry with several Catholic organizations


Media and Communications Officer: Valentina Pavarotti, pavarotti (at)

Climate Justice Team: Meera Ghani, ghani(at) and Giulia Bondi, bondi(at)

For questions related to the campaign Change for the Planet- Care for the People: Chiara Martinelli, martinellli(at)


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