This Season of Creation, let’s challenge ourselves and corporations – CIDSE

This Season of Creation, let’s challenge ourselves and corporations

CIDSE joins the Season of Creation, a global yearly appointment of prayer, action, reflection and commitment for our planet. During this season (1st September- 4th October) Christians from all over the world will enter a “Jubilee for our Earth” and strive to find radically new ways of living towards just and sustainable societies to take better care of both people and planet.

To inaugurate this special period, Pope Francis invited people to “Remember, Return, Rest, Restore, and Rejoice” to strengthen an harmonious relationship between humanity and nature and he stressed the the inextricable link between caring for our home and the way our economy works.

He reminded us that “We must restore with justice in mind, ensuring that those who have lived on the land for generations regain control over its usage. Indigenous communities must be protected from companies, particularly multinational companies” He added that: “This corporate misbehavior is a ‘new version of colonialism’ (Querida Amazonia, 14) that shamefully exploits poorer countries and communities desperate for income. We need to strengthen national and international legislation to regulate the activities of extractive companies and ensure access to justice for those affected.”

We join the strong call of Pope Francis to strengthen national and international legislation to regulate the activities of extractive companies and ensure access to justice for those affected. In particular,  we stand with  communities who have faced the abusive behaviour of big business and robbed them of their right to live on their territories and benefit from the resources of their land. As the Pope reminded us in his video clip rich countries have created an ecological debt by plundering natural resources of poorer countries, and “this is increased when multinationals do abroad what they would never be allowed to do in their own countries”. Taking ownership of this debt is indeed a matter of justice.

The call to protect local communities and the environment from the negative impacts of transnational corporations is also supported widely by the Church. Over 110 bishops from all around the world signed a joint statement for mandatory supply chain due diligence to stop corporate abuse and guarantee global solidarity. The statement, which was coordinated by CIDSE and published in July 2020, is still collecting signatures of support especially in view of the next round of negotiations of a Legally Binding Instrument on Business and Human Rights at the United Nations, scheduled for October.

“This year more than even, with the pandemic unveiling all the cracks of our system, the Pope’s call is urgent and it is clear that to care for our common home we should also look at our social systems and our economies. This is the starting point for a just transition that leaves no one behind. Joining Pope Francis we call today, at the beginning of the Season of Creation 2020, for a just and sustainable recovery that can truly heal our relationships among us and with nature.” said Josianne Gauthier, CIDSE Secretary General.

Throughout the Season, thousands of actions will take place digitally and locally to connect with mother earth and start new habits that respect the environment. Through the CIDSE initiative “Change for the Planet- Care for the People” we will collect a series of youth eco-practices that could inspire other young people all around the world in reducing their ecological footprint. The actions will be shared through a virtual map on the Initiative’s social media (TW: @ChangeandCare, FB:

Notes to the editors:


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