European Commission cooperation with civil society & cooperation between Northern and Southern Civil Society Organizations – exploring roles, space and added value – Report of the fifth joint CIDSE-Caritas Europa Forum (Brussels, 2-4 March 2010) (available in EN, ES and FR)
Initiated by the working group of Co-Financing Officers of the two networks, the event provided a forum for exchange with partners and officials from the European Commission on the changing aid context and funding modalities that govern North-South relations as well as our cooperation with the European Commission. We addressed challenges and opportunities in relation to the future cooperation and came to concrete recommendations.
EN-Report CIDSE-CE North-South Development Forum 2010
ES-Informe del Foro de Desarrollo Norte-Sur CIDSE-Caritas Europa 2010
FR-Rapport Forum développement Nord-Sud de la CIDSE et Caritas Europa 2010