NEW: Josianne Gauthier, CIDSE Secretary General, will be a member of the international jury which will nominate the three winners of the first edition of the CCFD-Terre Solidaire Humanist and Environmental Photography Award in February 2023.
Call for applications open
With the support of Sebastião Salgado, President of Honour, CIDSE’s French member organisation, CCFD-Terre Solidaire is launching the first edition of the Terre Solidaire Photo Award dedicated to humanist and environmental photography.
Who can participate?
The competition is open to photographers of legal age from all over the world, with or without press credentials.
How to participate?
Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV and a personal photographic project falling within the theme of humanist and environmental photography of which the candidate is the sole author containing:
- A photographic series of 15 to 30 photographs, numbered, titled, located, dated and briefly commented. This series must be part of a long-term project. The applicant may propose the beginning of a series or a completed series.
- A documentary synopsis of the project explaining the candidate’s desire to pursue the theme.
Applications can be sent in French or English on the Photo award website page from 3rd October to 4th December 2022.
The winner of the Grand Prix Terre Solidaire will receive a cash prize of 30,000 euros and his/her work will be exhibited at a festival in summer 2024.
The two winners of the Prix Terre Solidaire will each receive 10,000 euros. All the winners will have the opportunity to realise photo-reports on partners from CCFD Terre Solidaire in the global South and will see their work published in a book. The profits of which will be dedicated to the work of CCFD-Terre Solidaire.
The names of the winners will be revealed mid-February 2023.
Additional information & reading
-Photo competition manifesto
–La jeune femme à la jarre de Salgado
–CCFD-Terre solidaire Press Release
CIDSE and the following organisations are partners of the Terre Solidaire Photo Award:

Credit cover photo: Sebastião Salgado