Loss and Damage: The Moral Case for Action – CIDSE

Loss and Damage: The Moral Case for Action

In June 2023, an online dialogue on Loss and Damage was held with senior Vatican officials, church leaders from climate-vulnerable countries and experts from Catholic NGOs. Participants reflected in particular on the moral case for action on Loss and Damage, applying an ethical lens to this vital issue, drawing on Church teaching, scripture and ancient wisdom.

It was agreed that reflection was not enough and that a call to action was needed. A group of Catholic organisations, Caritas Internationalis, SCIAF, CIDSE and the Laudato Si’ Movement, came together to produce a statement for leaders of all faiths around the world to show their support for action on Loss and Damage to be delivered to world leaders at COP28 in Dubai.

Please sign your name today to show your support for this vital cause and join the chorus of voices calling for climate justice at COP28. 

The Statement has already been signed by:

  • Sr Susan Sanders, President, Sister of Mercy of the Americas 
  • Fr Leonard Chiti, Superior of Jesuits, Southern Africa 
  • Bishop Brian McGee, President of SCIAF, Bishop of Argyll and the Isles 
  • Bishop John Arnold, Bishop of Salford and Environment lead for Catholic Bishops Conf of England and Wales 
  • Bishop Stephen Wright, Chair of CAFOD, Bishop of Hexam and Newcastle 
  • Sr Maria Leonor Montiel, General Secretary, Maryknoll Sisters 
  • Rev Lance P. Nadeau, Superior General, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers 
  • Bishop Giorgio Bertin, President of Caritas Djibouti & Somalia 
  • Cardinal Soane Patita Paini Mafi, President of Caritas Oceania 
  • Bishop Marc Handley Andrus, Episcopal Bishop of the Diocese of California 
  • Mgr Pierre Cibambo Ntakobajira, President of Caritas Africa 
  • Manuel Bretón Romero, President of Caritas Spain  
  • Fr Abel Anriambololotina, President of Caritas Madagascar

About Loss and Damage:
Loss and Damage refers to the impacts of climate change that are already being experienced around the world, especially by people in the Global South. At the last major global climate talks, COP27 in Egypt, a major breakthrough was reached to establish a fund for communities suffering from Loss and Damage. At COP28 in Dubai later in 2023, the final details of this fund will be agreed. 

Further reading:
Responding to the Signs of the Times: A Theological Reflection on Loss and Damage
– Template Letter for Faith Leaders

Contact: Lydia Machaka, CIDSE (machaka(at)cidse.org).

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