
Side event: Transparency & harmonization of NDCs and national climate policies as driver for implementation

This is an event of the UNFCCC #Together4Transparency Agenda at SB38”

Where: Bonn, Room WCCB. The event will also be broadcasted via the UNFCCC You Tube Channel.
Language: EN

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Harmonization of national climate policy & nationally-determined contributions (NDCs), as well as transparency in climate policy implementation are key for driving a fast & just transition. Three research teams will present their findings across various countries.

Agenda and speakers

Opening by Dr. Marlene Kammerer, University of Bern


  • Presentation of study on harmonization of NDCs with national-level mitigation policies & measures by Dr. Paula Castro, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
  • Presentation of findings from a meta study on NDC transparency in various countries by Mr David Knecht, Fastenaktion/ Swiss Lenten Fund
  • Presentation of challenges & opportunities of NDC & climate policy transparency in Israel by Ms Amira Arraf, Galilee Society 

Panel debate: Reflecting on the findings & recommendations in light of UNFCCC Global Stocktake (GST), Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and NDC processes

  • Ms. Lydie-Line Paroz, Delegation of Switzerland
  • Ms. Milagros Sandoval, Delegation of Peru
  • Ms. Roxanne Lake, Delegation of European Union
  • Ms. Xuehong Wang, UNFCCC Transparency Division
  • Ms. Ana Malagón, Ambiente y Sociedad
  • Ms. Celia Wicher, BUND

Open discussion & wrap-up by Dr. Marlene Kammerer, University of Bern

    Additional information

    NDC Transparency Meta-Study, by Paula Castro and Aksorcnchan Chaianong, ZHAW School of Management and Law, May 2023

    CIDSE contact: Kim Claes, Energy and Extractivism Officer (claes(at)cidse.org)

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