Regional report of violation of human rights in the Amazonia – CIDSE

Regional report of violation of human rights in the Amazonia

Weaving networks of resistance and struggle in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. A report by REPAM – Panamazonian Ecclesial Network – published with the support of Caritas Spain, MISEREOR, Adveniat; CAFOD and other solidarity partners. September 2018 (available in EN – ES – GE)

This document is a summary of the Regional Report of Violation of Human Rights in the Amazonia. It collects 13 cases of systematic violation of the human rights of various indigenous peoples, rural and peasant communities in Colombia, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia. The struggle of these communities to reach a decent life and take care of the common house has been long, painful and frustrating. However, thanks to the support of organizations involved, allied and related to the Panamazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM) it has been possible to gather up their demands and proposals, and take them to the top to claim respect for their rights and dignity as human beings.

EN-REPAM regional report of violation of human rights in the Amazonia
ES-REPAM Informe regional de vulneración de derechos humanos en la Panamazonía
GE-REPAM Regionalbericht über Menschenrechtsverletzungen im Amazonasgebiet

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