A call from faith leaders for corporate accountability – CIDSE

A call from faith leaders for corporate accountability


As the political trilogue negotiations between the Commission, the Parliament and the Council of the EU on the EU CSDDD proposal resume on 7 September, more than 200 faith leaders have joined the call for corporate accountability after new signatures were received over the summer. 

Together, we must care for creation”, statement, July 2023

Ahead of the second political trilogue between the Commission, the Parliament and the Council of the EU, CIDSE released a statement signed by over 160 Faith Leaders worldwide, calling on EU law-makers to adopt a strong law holding companies accountable for damaging the environment and abusing human rights.  

In 2020, more than 230 Catholic Bishops worldwide signed a statement calling for mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence laws. Their asks were focussed on the rights and needs of local communities and of those affected, or at risk of being affected, by corporate abuse.  

This new statement, signed by leaders of other faith groups, including many women signatories, renews the previous calls and adds more details. The recommendations focus specifically on the EU CSDDD proposal and are based on the experiences and plight of these affected by corporate abuse.  

Additional information
Global faith leaders unite in urgent call for a strong EU due diligence Directive”, CIDSE Press Release, 5 July 2023

This call is supported by CIDSE, the international family of Catholic social justice organisations.

It was produced with the financial support of the European Union. The contents are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union.    

Contacts: Giuseppe Cioffo – cioffo (at) cidse.org / Giorgio Gotra – gotra (at) cidse.org.

Cover photo credit: Guilherme Cavalli

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