We say YES to the CSDDD – CIDSE

We say YES to the CSDDD

Joint civil society statement by ECCJ, reacting to the lack of majority in COREPER on the CSDDD, co-signed by 140 European organisations, including CIDSE.

Today’s failure of the EU Council to endorse the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)marks a deplorable setback for corporate accountability and the protection of Human Rights and the environment worldwide, after years of debate and negotiation.

The blockage is largely attributable to big Member States: the early announced abstention from influential Germany – orchestrated by the minority German coalition partner, the FDP, and met with spiritless resistance by Chancellor Scholz – was followed by others. A last minute attempt by France to derail negotiations by proposing a tenfold increase in company threshold last night increased the uncertainty for other states. These political games starkly defy the resounding support for the Directive from governments, trade unions, civil society, large, medium and small businesses, and individual citizens. Without binding EU legislation on corporate accountability, national governments fail to address human rights impacts, the exploitation of workers, and impacts on Indigenous Peoples’s rights and other traditional communities and natural ecosystems linked to corporate operations. It is a harrowing failure by EU governments to meet their obligations under international human rights law, and a green-light signal to reckless businesses that they can keep fueling the climate and ecological crises for corporate profits

This lack of support threatens a vital piece of EU sustainability legislation, necessary and overdue to trigger the change in business conduct. It is the result of a democratic process in the European Parliament and of extensive negotiations with Member States.

Now more than ever, the Belgian Presidency must rise to the occasion: it is time to circle back to the Member States and ensure a strong majority without haggling over the key principles of the compromise hammered out in the trilogue agreement.


  1. European Coalition for Corporate Justice
  2. Friends of the Earth Europe
  3. Fern
  4. Vredesactie
  5. BankTrack
  6. FIDH
  7. GLOBAL 2000 – Friends of the Earth Austria
  8. Mai bine
  9. REDU
  10. CUIB
  11. ShareAction
  12. Swedwatch
  14. Anti-Slavery International
  15. Südwind, Austria
  16. Solidaridad
  17. Jugend Eine Welt, Austria
  18. WeWorld, Italy
  19. Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
  20. Human Rights International Corner (HRIC)
  21. Informationsgruppe Lateinamerika, Austria
  22. International Peace Information Service (IPIS)
  23. Novi sindikat, Croatia
  24. European Environmental Bureau
  25. MVO Platform
  26. Irish Coalition for Business and Human Rights
  27. Christian Aid Ireland
  28. Finnwatch
  29. OECD Watch
  30. WSM
  31. Mani Tese ETS
  32. Campagna Impresa2030
  33. Transport & Environment
  34. NeSoVe
  35. Frank Bold
  36. Romero Initiative
  37. Latinamerikagrupperna
  38. SÜDWIND – Institute for Economy and Ecumenism
  39. Broederlijk Delen
  40. ActionAid International
  41. Oxfam
  42. Reds – Red de solidaridad para la transformación social
  43. Fairtrade International
  44. ClientEarth
  45. CNCD-11.11.11
  46. Milieudefensie (Friends of the Earth Netherlands)
  47. Informationsstelle Peru
  48. CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung
  49. Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
  50. World Fair Trade Organization – Europe
  51. Act Church of Sweden
  52. Sherpa
  53. Diakonia Sweden
  54. LM International
  55. mis de la Terre France / Friends of the Earth France
  56. Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business
  57. Grupo belga Solidario con Guatemala
  58. Amnesty International
  59. FOS
  60. Climate Action Network Europe
  61. IF Metall (Industrial and Metal Workers’ Union Sweden)
  62. Protection International
  63. CIDSE- An international family of Catholic social justice organisations
  64. nitiative Lieferkettengesetz
  65. esti Roheline Liikumine – Estonian Green Movement
  66. achACT
  67. ForumCiv, Sweden
  68. Fair Trade Advocacy Office
  69. Plataforma por Empresas Responsables
  70. Partos
  71. WeEffect, Sweden
  72. Avocats Sans Frontières
  73. Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
  74. Environmental Justice Foundation
  75. Coordinadora Estatal de Comercio Justo
  76. Afrikagrupperna, Sweden
  77. Welthaus der Diözese Linz
  78. Vision, the Swedish civil servants’ union
  79. Clean Clothes Campaign
  80. PowerShift
  81. CCFD-Terre Solidaire
  82. Initiative pour un devoir de vigilance, Luxembourg
  83. Global Witness
  84. EU-LAT Advocacy Network
  85. Setem
  86. Focus Association for Sustainable Development
  87. RREUSE
  88. Swedish Society for Nature Conservation
  89. Global Responsibility – Austrian Platform for Development and Humanitarian Aid
  90. European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR)
  91. Solsoc
  92. ÖGB EU Office
  93. Forest Peoples Programme
  94. AK EUROPA – Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour – Brussels office
  95. WWF European Policy Office
  96. La Strada International
  97. European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
  98. International Dalit Solidarity Network
  99. 11.11.11, Coalition for International Solidarity, Belgium
  100. Trócaire, Ireland
  101. KIOS Foundation, Finland
  102. Germanwatch
  103. Minerva Business and Human Rights Association
  104. Fairfood
  105. FEMNET e.V.
  106. Cultural Survival
  107. Centre for the Politics of Emancipation, Serbia
  108. EU Raw Materials Coalition
  109. Notre Affaire A Tous
  110. Earthsight
  111. Publish What You Pay
  112. Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)
  113. Rainforest Foundation Norway, Norway
  114. Society for Threatened Peoples, Switzerland
  115. European Federation of Public Services Unions (EPSU)
  116. Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V. (Friends of the Earth Germany)
  117. IM, Sweden
  118. Securing Indigenous Rights in the Green Economy Coalition (SIRGE)
  119. Batani Foundation
  120. The Andrew Lees Trust
  121. kumenisches Büro für Frieden und Gerechtigkeit e.V.
  122. Earthworks
  123. Human Rights Law Centre
  124. ACT Alliance EU
  125. BUNDjugend / Young Friends of the Earth Germany
  126. Human Rights Watch
  127. FIAN Germany
  128. Solidair met Guatemala
  129. Lightup Norway
  130. Norwegian Helsinki Committee
  131. Factlines
  132. Christian Council of Norway
  133. Norwegian Council for Africa
  134. Framtiden i våre hender, Norway
  135. Asociación por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos Taula per Mèxic, Catalunya
  136. Norwegian Church Aid
  137. Norwegian Church Aid
  138. Initiative pour un devoir de vigilance, Luxembourg
  139. CorA-Netzwerk für Unternehmensverantwortung (CorA-Network for Corporate Accountability)
  140. 140. CNV Internationaa

Additional reading

Cover photo : Christian Lue / Unsplash

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