
Raising our Voices for the Earth and the most Vulnerable

Event Details



(4 PM GMT – 5 PM CEST – 10 AM Rio de Janeiro) – Languages: EN, PT, ES, FR, GE, IT, PL.


Laudato Si’ Week Webinar on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Encyclical Laudato Si’

Exchange on advocating for policies that can shift the system we live in which is causing harm to people and the planet. Inspired by the messages of Laudato Si’, how individuals, communities and organisations can contribute to bring about a deep ecological conversion?
From personal reflections to concrete experiences, an interactive format that offers the opportunity to debate on the political change we want to see to truly hear the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.


  • Mgr Pirmin Spiegel, Misereor, Germany
  • Alberto Acosta, Ecuador
  • Anja Appel, KOO, Austria
  • Padre Dario Bossi, Iglesias y Minería, Brazil
  • Josianne Gauthier, CIDSE

Moderator: Moema de Miranda, Iglesias y Minería, Brazil


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