Harmonization of national climate policy & nationally-determined contributions (NDCs), as well as transparency in climate policy implementation are key for driving a fast & just transition. Three research teams will present their findings across various countries.
Agenda and speakers
Opening by Dr. Marlene Kammerer, University of Bern
Presentation of study on harmonization of NDCs with national-level mitigation policies & measures by Dr. Paula Castro, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
Presentation of findings from a meta study on NDC transparency in various countries by Mr David Knecht, Fastenaktion/ Swiss Lenten Fund
Presentation of challenges & opportunities of NDC & climate policy transparency in Israel by Ms Amira Arraf, Galilee Society
Panel debate: Reflecting on the findings & recommendations in light of UNFCCC Global Stocktake (GST), Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and NDC processes
Ms. Lydie-Line Paroz, Delegation of Switzerland
Ms. Milagros Sandoval, Delegation of Peru
Ms. Roxanne Lake, Delegation of European Union
Ms. Xuehong Wang, UNFCCC Transparency Division
Ms. Ana Malagón, Ambiente y Sociedad
Ms. Celia Wicher, BUND
Open discussion & wrap-up by Dr. Marlene Kammerer, University of Bern
Additional information
NDC Transparency Meta-Study, by Paula Castro and Aksorcnchan Chaianong, ZHAW School of Management and Law, May 2023
CIDSE contact: Kim Claes, Energy and Extractivism Officer (claes(at)cidse.org)
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