Pope Francis puts the poor and vulnerable at the heart of his first Apostolic Exhortation, on evangelization. CIDSE welcomes this call on Church, economy and society to go through profound changes and question the dominant economic paradigm of growth and consumption.
Pope Francis puts the poor and vulnerable at the heart of his first Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, on evangelization, published today, 26 November 2013, on the request of the last Synod of Bishops in 2012. The document “wishes to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” He calls on Church, economy and society to go through profound changes and questions the dominant economic paradigm of growth and consumption. Pope Francis sought inspiration from many Bishops’ conferences and others around the world, making the document strong and down-to-earth. Instead of commenting in detail the 87 page document, we have chosen some quotes which show the power and inspiration of this document. I am convinced it will offer help and guidance to CIDSE and all people of good will in its efforts towards global justice and a paradigm shift towards fair and sustainable societies.
Best wishes,
Bernd Nilles
CIDSE Secretary General
You can see our full reaction document here.
The full text of the Papal Exhortation can be found here, in several languages.
Also CIDSE member organisation CAFOD has published their reaction to Evangelii Gaudium: CAFOD welcomes Pope Francis’s Apostolic Exhortation
EN – CIDSE reaction on Pope Francis’ First Apostolic Exhortation