Reflecting the principles of Laudato Si’ in our transformative response to the climate crisis, CIDSE, November 2017 (Available in EN – PT)
Pope Francis’ Encyclical Letter Laudato Si’ – on Care for Our Common Home is ground-breaking while remaining deeply embedded in Catholic tradition. It has inspired an expansive and profound understanding of the climate crisis and the social crisis with which it is inextricably interwoven. An Encyclical constitutes the highest-level moral teaching document of a Pope, and Laudato Si’ (LS) is the first to be issued on the theme of the environment, embedding the issue firmly in the context of social justice
This report is intended to help governments and other stakeholders reflect on how they should respond to the challenge of climate change in light of Laudato Si’ and broader Catholic Social Teaching. It provides guidance on how tackling climate change can also address the underlying issues of environmental degradation, poverty and inequality. The guidelines in this report enable members of the global Catholic family to engage with their governments’ climate plans and help adapt the principles of Laudato Si’. An executive summary of this paper is also available.
The paper will be officially launched at a side event during COP23 in Bonn on 15 November 2017. See flyer in attachment
Contact: Jean Letitia Saldanha, Senior Advisor (Saldanha(at)
EN-Climate action for the common good
EN-Climate action for the common good Executive Summary
EN-Flyer side event COP23
PT-Ação climática para o bem comum