Ready for the World Social Forum 2018 – CIDSE

Ready for the World Social Forum 2018

After Montreal in 2016, the World Social Forum is back in Brazil where it was first held in 2001. This year, it will take place in Salvador de Bahia from 13 to 17 March under the slogan “To resist is to create, to resist is to transform!” in a difficult national political context. We are looking forward to this space where alternatives to the current economic system are explored fostering our engagement for system change.

CIDSE, through its activities will be focusing on a range of issues among which the impact of the extractive model, business and human rights, climate change and energy. The World Social Forum will also be a chance to engage discussions on sustainable lifestyles through our campaign “Change for the Planet- Care for the People”.

Together with some of our member organisations – Development and Peace (Canada), KOO/DKA (Austria), Fastenopfer (Switzerland) and MISEREOR (Germany), partners and allies, we will be involved in the following events:



15:00: Opening march: Facebook live


Novos Paradigmas para um Outro Mundo Possível, Evitar o desastre ecológico. Construir a sociedade do bem vive
(see programme in attachment)
09:00 – 18:30. Venue: Tenda Novos Paradigmas
Organised by: CIDSE, DKA, Fastenopfer, MISEREOR, ABONG, Iser Asesoria and others.


Novos Paradigmas para um Outro Mundo Possível, Evitar o desastre ecológico. Construir a sociedade do bem vive
(Continuation from Day 1): 09:00 – 18:30. Venue: Tenda Novos Paradigmas
Organised by: CIDSE, DKA, Fastenopfer, MISEREOR, ABONG, Iser Asesoria and others.

Las resistencias globales contra el poder corporativo y la lucha por un Tratado internacional sobre transnacionales y derechos humanos.
10:00 – 12:00. Venue: PAF III – Sala 204

Custos Humanos E Ambientais Da Mineração, Resistências E Alternativas
13:00 – 17:00. Venue: PAF – Sala 1 (ao lado da Secretaria da escola, no andar térreo / Room 1 (next to the school office, ground floor). !!! New venue
Organised by: Articulación Internacional de las Afectadas y Afectados por la Vale (PACS, rede Justiça nos Trilhos e outros), CIDSE, MISEREOR, Comitê Nacional em defesa dos Territórios frente à Mineração (Brasil), Diálogo dos Povos, Federación Internacional de los Derechos Humanos (FIDH), Iglesias y Minería, INESC (Brasil), CESE; Articulação Antinuclear Brasileira, Comboni Network.


World Assembly of Women
09:00 – Details to follow

Mega hidroeléctricas (en las Amazonas) – Problemas y Alternativas / Hydropower Mega-Projects – Problems & Alternatives
(see flyer in attachment)
13:00 – 15:00. Venue: Tenda Novos Paradigmas (L) !!! New venue
Organised by: CIDSE, Fundacion Sólon, Fastenopfer, Plataforma de Lucha contra el Cambio Climático.

Workshop with screening of CIDSE documentary “Stories of change: sustainable food for the people and the planet”
(see flyer in attachment)
17:00. Venue: PAF III – Sala 109
Organised by: CIDSE and GCCM.

As always we are looking forward to meeting representatives of civil society organisations from all over the world, exchanging and generating new ideas for a fairer and more democratic future! Come visit us and feed our debates if you are in Salvador!

To keep up-to date on our activities and thoughts about this year’s World Social Forum, please visit our website and social media, which will be updated from Brazil by CIDSE, members and partners, through articles and interviews.

Additional reading about the WSF 2018
FSM: agonie ou résurrection”, interview by Bernd Nilles, Director of Fastenopfer (Switzerland) published by Alliance Sud (21 February 2018) (also available in German)
Dossier: “Forum Social Mondial 2018”, E-CHANGER/Le Courrier, Février 2018 (French only) (see attachment)

Flyer side event Alternativas e resistências à Mineração

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