A Civil Society Science – and Equity-Based Assessment of the NDCs, December 2018
The Paris Agreement’s bottom-up approach combines with the severity of the 1.5°C challenge to make the equity and fair shares debate absolutely critical. Equity is not a moral or academic nicety, but a practical necessity in meeting the Paris goals. This new report by the Civil Society Equity review coalition has attempted to show how a transparent articulation of the UNFCCC’s core principles can help us to understand the fairness, or unfairness, of individual national pledges. Crucially, this report draws attention not only to the inequality between countries, but also the inequality within countries, between the rich and the majority poor.
Check this report endorsed by over 200 organisations from across the world – social movements, environmental and development NGOs, trade unions, faith and other civil society groups including CIDSE – that have come together to assess the climate commitments (NDCs) on the occasion of the COP24 in Katowice/Poland.
This publication is an update of the report published in 2017 “Equity and the ambition ratchet — Towards a meaningful 2018 facilitative dialogue”.
For further information : civilsocietyreview.org
* The full list of signatories can be found at: http://civilsocietyreview.org/groups2018/
EN-After Paris : Inequality, Fair Shares, and the Climate Emergency