The Pan Amazon region has been historically conceived as a space that must be occupied, controlled and integrated according to external interests, since at first it was considered a wasteland. It is from the discovery of its natural resources that it was positioned as a priority region, yet still there is an association with ‘backwardness’ – of being apart from the urban centrality – and as a place that has a demographic gap. This allows external economic and power groups to assume it as a territory available to serve their interests, and the Amazon’s immense richness in culture, fauna and flora becomes invisible. In fact, it is not the “backyard” but the “central square” of the planet. It is a biome, that is, a living system that functions as a regional and global climate stabilizer that produces 1/3 of the rains that feed the earth.
Within this framework, we consider the role of the media fundamental in order to make visible and publicise the Amazon reality, its challenges, threats, and affectations, as well as the portraits and testimonies of the indigenous peoples and Amazonian communities that day by day respond to this reality, from their organizational processes, their own weaknesses, their spirituality and their ever strong resistance, as guardians of the lung of the planet.
A group of media professionals and journalists with a special sensitivity to international and social issues participated this summer in a special media tour of the borders between Colombia, Peru, and Brazil organised by REPAM (Daniela Andrade, Comms Officer) and CIDSE (Marta Isabel González, Media and Communications Officer). The objective was to launch a media cycle or reporting about the questions related to the upcoming Synod on the Pan Amazon and promote the messages of the Amazon region among European and North American audiences. The resulting reports have been published in English, French, German and Spanish depending on the publication of the journalist.
- Tom Phillips, Latin American correspondent from The Guardian (General Newspaper)
- Claire Lesegretain from La Croix (Catholic General Newspaper)
- David Agren, (Canadian freelance journalist)
- Manuel Cubías from Vatican News (Agency News)
- Brigitte Krautgartner from ORF (Radio)
- Angeles Conde and Marco Galassi from Rome Reports (TV Agency News)
- Ana Palacios (Spanish freelance Photojournalist)
The travel has been organised in a participative way with proposals from all CIDSE’s member organisations and REPAM, in order to create a heterogenic, international and select group of media professional and journalists with ties to publications that could achieve the objective.
- Aljazeera (website) “In Pictures: Fighting to survive when the Amazon is under attack. Why protecting indigenous rights is central in the effort to protect the vast Amazon rainforest.” Ana Palacios, 3/12/2019
- Revista Mundo Cristiano. 1/12/2019. “Fragile Amazon”/Ana Palacios
- Fotos de la Amazonia, 08/11/2019, Ana Palacios explains “Fragile Amazon”, Canal Orbe 21 TV
- The Catholic Church and Indigenous Peoples: Unlikely allies in the fight to save the Amazon, 01/11/2019, David Agren, Open Canada
- Amazonien-Synode-geht-zu-Ende , 27/10/2019, (With exhibition “Fragile Amazon”/Ana Palacios), ORF TV
- Indigenous people from Brazil: “We don’t harm anyone, why is there so much hate?” 25/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- Indígenas de Brasil: “Vivimos sin hacer daño a nadie, ¿por qué tanto odio?” 25/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- “Help us so powerful people don’t dry out our rivers or destroy our land,” cries a native 24/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- “Ayudadnos para que los poderosos no sequen nuestros ríos ni destruyan nuestra tierra”, clama indígena 24/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- Rome exhibition shows images of Amazon’s cry, 23/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English (with exhibition “Fragile Amazon”/Ana Palacios)
- El grito del Amazonas a través de las imágenes de una exposición en Roma 23/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish (with exhibition “Fragile Amazon”/Ana Palacios)
- “Lo más duro es ver que las personas pasan hambre”, lamenta una misionera en la Amazonía , 22/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- “The hardest thing is seeing people go hungry,” says a missionary in the Amazon, 22/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- Radio Vaticana Italia-Il papa hieri e oggi (It)- Min 8,40, 17/10/2019- Chiara Martinelli talks about “Fragile Amazon”/Ana Palacios
- Catholic school has planted over 14,000 trees in Amazon, 17/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- La escuela católica que ha plantado más de 14.000 árboles en el Amazonas,17/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- “Ana Palacios presenta en Roma la exposición “Frágil Amazonía””, 15/10/2019, Ana Palacios, Heraldo de Aragón.
- “They don’t kill or torture us, but they are doing it to our Amazon,” says indigenous activist 14/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- “No nos matan ni nos torturan, pero lo están haciendo con nuestra Amazonía”, denuncia activista indígena 14/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- Amazonien – Bedrohtes Leben am wasserreichsten Fluss der Welt,12/10/2019, Brigitte Krautgartner ORF Radio
- Spiritualität und Gesellschaft im Amazonasgebiet, 12/10/2019, Brigitte Krautgartner , ORF Radio
- Frontera (RNE)– Min 25:51, 13/10/2019 Marta Isabel González Álvarez
- Threats facing Church in Amazon for combating human trafficking , 11/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- Las amenazas que recibe la Iglesia en el Amazonas por combatir la trata de seres humanos, 11/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- El Espejo (COPE) – Min 3, 11/10/2019, Marta Isabel González Álvarez
- Respecter les spiritualités indigènes tout en annonçant l’Évangile, 10/10/2019, Claire Lesegretain, LA CROIX
- “Finally, ‘the father of white man,’ Pope Francis, who thinks like us, has arrived” explains indigenous leader, 09/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- “Por fin ha llegado “el abuelo del blanco”, Francisco, que piensa como nosotros”, explica líder indígena, 09/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- Amazonien – Bedrohtes Leben am wasserreichsten Fluss der Welt, 09/10/2019, Brigitte Krautgartner , ORF Radio
- Les grands défis de l’Église en Amazonie (2/3) Quand l’Église encourage des modèles agroécologiques 09/10/2019, Claire Lesegretain, LA CROIX
- Un sínodo necesario, 09/10/2019, Angelines Conde, Revista Ecclesia (Also Printed Edition)
- La fragilidad de la Amazonía trasciende el aula sinodal, 08/10/2019, Óscar Elizalde-Ana Palacios en Revista Vida Nueva
- L’Église en Amazonie : au Pérou, au plus près des souffrances humaines, 08/10/2019, Claire Lesegretain, LA CROIX
- La fotoperiodista Ana Palacios inaugura hoy en Roma la exposición ‘Frágil Amazonía’ 07/10/2019, Ana Palacios La Vanguardia
- “Frágil Amazonía”: Exposición de la fotoperiodista española Ana Palacios’ 07/10/2019, Ana Palacios Religion Digital
- La fotoperiodista Ana Palacios inaugura hoy en Roma la exposición ‘Frágil Amazonía’ 07/10/2019, Ana Palacios Siglo XXI
- La fotoperiodista Ana Palacios inaugura en Roma la muestra ‘Frágil Amazonía’, 07/10/2019, Ana Palacios-OK Diario
- “Frágil Amazonía”: inaugurada en Roma la exposición fotográfica de Ana Palacios, 07/10/2019, Ana Palacios-Manuel Cubías, VATICAN NEWS
- Ils se battent pour l’Amazonie (1/3) Ils se battent pour l’Amazonie (1/3)Une peinture de survie 07/10/2019, Claire Lesegretain, LA CROIX
- Santiago Yahuarcani Lopez, une peinture de survie en Amazonie, 07/10/2019, Claire Lesegretain, LA CROIX
- Un sínodo necesario, 05/10/2019, Angelines Conde con fotos de Ana Palacios. Revista Ecclesia
- How Jesuits in South America are working to promote an ‘Amazon-like’ church, 03/10/2019, David Agren, America Magazine
- Exposición fotográfica “Frágil Amazonía” en Roma, 03/10/2019, Ana Palacios-Zenit
- El río que nos une 03/10/2019, Marta Isabel González en VATICAN NEWS
- Los desafíos de una diócesis amazónica tan grande como Grecia y con solo 15 sacerdotes, 03/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- Challenges faced by Amazonian diocese as large as Greece with only 15 priests, 03/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- El río que nos une 01/10/2019, Marta Isabel González con fotos de Ana Palacios en Revista 21
- Los cultivos que combaten el cambio climático en el Amazonas, 01/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- Crops that combat climate change in the Amazon, 01/10/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- La contaminación del Amazonas está matando a los indígenas lentamente, explica la misionera Domi Szkatula 28/09/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- Amazon contamination slowly kills indigenous people, explains missionary Domi Szkatula, 28/09/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- The Amazon has a different way to live the Church, while keeping the centrality of faith” 25/09/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports English
- En el Amazonas tenemos una manera diferente de ser Iglesia pero sin perder la centralidad de la fe, 25/09/2019, Angelines Conde y Mario Galassi, Rome Reports Spanish
- Bolsonaro targets the Catholic church over its ‘leftist agenda’ on the Amazon, 23/09/2019, Tom Phillips, THE GUARDIAN (web)
- Eslabones contra la trata en la triple frontera de Colombia, Perú y Brasil 15/09/2019, Marta Isabel González, VIDA NUEVA
- Contra la Trata de Personas en la triple frontera de la Amazonía 14/09/2019 Marta Isabel González, Historias con @migasocial (web)
- Eslabones contra la trata en la triple frontera de Colombia, Perú y Brasil 30/08/2019, Marta Isabel González, VIDA NUEVA (paper)
- Religiosas en Islandia, Perú: “Que, de esta fe bajo las cenizas, salga fuego” 29/08/2019, Manuel Cubías, VATICAN NEWS
- Amazonien, neuer Jugendseelsorger Kärnten, 28/08/2019, Brigitte Krautgartner , ORF Radio
- Verónica Rubí, misionera laica: que el Sínodo anime a ver con cariño la realidad de estos pueblos, 27/08/2019, Manuel Cubías, VATICAN NEWS
- Kopftuchverbot, Amazonas 23/08/2019, Brigitte Krautgartner , ORF Radio
- Comment l’Église défend les indigènes en Amazonie, 09/08/2019, Claire Lesegretain, LA CROIX (web)
- Mons. Pinzón: ausencia del Estado en Amazonía produce ilegalidad, 30/07/2019, Manuel Cubías, VATICAN NEWS
- Bolsonaro wants to destroy the lot us. Indigenous tribes of the Amazon prepare resistance to invaders, 27/07/2019, Tom PHillips, THE GUARDIAN (paper)
- ‘He wants to destroy us’: Bolsonaro poses gravest threat in decades, Amazon tribes say, 26/07/2019, Tom Phillips, THE GUARDIAN (web)
- ORF RADIO, 4 additional stories – Brigitte Krautgartner:
– Amazonien: Lokalaugenschein bei Hilfsprojekt
– Amazonien: Frauen als tragende Säulen
– Raubbau am Amazonas-Regenwald entgegenwirken
– Hohe Erwartungen an die Amazonien-Synode - La trata, a orillas del Amazonas, 27/07/2020, Ana Palacios, El País,
- De ‘prostibares’ por el Amazonas: así funcionan las redes de trate en la selva, 30/07/2020, Ana Palacios, El País