Call for articles on feminist applications of agroecology – CIDSE

Call for articles on feminist applications of agroecology



Agroecology is now recognized worldwide as a path towards sustainable and just food systems. As is grows quickly in application across the world, there is a need to collect the new perspectives that are coherent with the worldviews and livelihoods of family farmers, peasants and indigenous people. Growing analysis of inspiring examples strengthens an alternative economic approach, and sheds light on how marginalized people are, and can become decisive actors in agroecology.

In the new issue of Farming Matters – which is piloted by the Agricultures Network and CIDSE, we invite articles and stories before March 31 based on concrete experiences that are exemplary of how agroecology and a feminist logic are mutually reinforcing.

A few of the questions in which we are particularly interested:

  • How has agroecology generated new economic relations and new political narratives based on a feminist perspective? 
  • How have strategies of agroecological innovation led by women brought practical short-term solutions while reshaping structural inequality in processes of production, distribution, and consumption of food?
  • How have women’s movements contributed to these changes?
  • What are the lessons from these experiences for the practice, science and/ or movement of agroecology?
  • How can an enabling policy environment support the cause of women and agroecology?

If you know of examples and applications of agroecology that could respond to some of these questions, please read further the detailed call for articles.

Photo credit Tom Greenwood Oxfam Australia

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