Inspired by Laudato Si’, the documentary tells the stories of young climate activists, filling the audience with hope for the future of the planet
“The Future lies with youth”: stories from young climate activists, is a documentary produced by CIDSE within the initiative “Change for the Planet- Care for the People” and directed by Patrícia Pedrosa.
The 40’ movie features youth from Germany, Switzerland, Kenya, Italy, Spain and Portugal who open up about their engagement for climate justice, concretely showing activism in all its facets, with a strong spiritual dimension. From working with local schools, to leading land conservation actions, to participating in demonstrations, to looking inwards and going through an ecological conversion; they are doing all they can to care for the planet earth. Their belief and enthusiasm are contagious and represent a sheer of hope in a time of climate crisis.
This documentary reflects the commitment of the CIDSE’s network of supporters-composed of young people from CIDSE’s member organisations- towards climate justice. The six stories, bring the audience to several local projects in which youngsters, connected in most cases to the CIDSE “Change for the Planet-Care for the People” initiative, are involved. In addition, the documentary shows the connection between actions at local level and the global protection of our common home. It will inspire, connect and tell new stories of change, building on two CIDSE previous documentaries with a similar approach (“Stories of Change” and “Energy to Change”).
The documentary premiered on 6th of November during COP 26. In a virtual gathering the protagonists of the stories shared thoughts about their commitment for climate justice, continuing to inspire each other and others.