CIDSE @ the TSF on Mining and the Extractive Economy – CIDSE

CIDSE @ the TSF on Mining and the Extractive Economy


The second Thematic Social Forum on Mining and the Extractive Economy will take place in Semarang (Indonesia) from 17-20 October. TSF-Mining 2023 will use the “Right to Say No” and the “Nexus of Climate Justice, Just Transition and Extractives” as its main themes.

As with the first Forum in South Africa in 2018, CIDSE is involved in preparations for the 2023 edition as a member of the International Steering Committee and as co-leader of the European Coalition. Our network will be well represented in Indonesia.

A delegation consisting of two staff members and representatives from our member organisations, CCFD-Terre Solidaire (France); DKA (member of CIDSE’s member KOO) (Austria); Fastenaktion (Switzerland); Misereor (Germany) will actively participate in the Forum’s activities together with allies from the Global North and over 100 partner organisations from the Global South. Other CIDSE members such as Broederlijk Delen (Belgium) and Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns (USA) are supporting the Forum in different forms.

The TSF-Mining Programme (ESFR) will consist of a series of thematic plenary sessions and parallel workshops and conclude with a visit to field communities.

CIDSE events

Wednesday 18 October, 16:10 -17:50 (UTC/GMT +7 hours): “Time to hold Corporations Accountable! How the UN Binding Treaty for Business and Human Rights can be a tool in the struggle against extractivism”, workshop co-organised with AIDC, Iglesias & Minería and TNI (EN / ES)

  • Wednesday 18 October, 16:10 -17:50 (UTC/GMT +7 hours): How “Public Utility / Public Interest / National Interest” is used to legitimize extractivism, workshop co-organised by Misereor, UPYCA Group, PWYP Indonesia

Activities organised by partners

  • Wednesday 18 October, 16:10 -17:50 (UTC/GMT +7 hours): Right to Say No Global Campaign workshop co-organised by (MAM – Movement for Popular Sovereignty in Mining), WoMin, People Dialogue and Iglesias & Minería
  • Wednesday 18 October, 16:10 -17:50 (UTC/GMT +7 hours): Ecofeminism vs. Extractivism, workshop co-organised by TKPT, Resistor Dialogue WAMA (Ashwini), Solidaritas Perempuan, WOMIN, Red Latinoamericana de Mujeres Defensoras de Derechos Sociales y Ambientales (Impactos diferenciados de la minería sobre las mujeres)

CIDSE’s onsite contacts: Kim Claes: claes(at) and Nicky Broeckhoven: broeckhoven(at)


Blog:  “Ecofeminism is about defending life and nature. Everything is connected”, Interview with Carolina de Moura, journalist and activist at Instituto Cordillera, Brazil

Video : Interview with Danila Andagoya and Nathalia Bonilla, activists who resist mining activities in the territory of the Chocó Andino community, Ecuador

Policy papers :
A Turning Point: The Critical Raw Material Act’s Needs for a Social and Just Green Transition“, CSO Coalition on Raw Materials, July 2023
Energy transition, mining expansion and eco-social conflicts in the Amazon”, ALBOAN, University of Deusto, RIMISP, 2022

“Minéraux de la transition énergétique : l’alerte des pays du Sud“, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, 8 November 2023

 CIDSE participation and activities are co-founded by the European Union.  The contents are the sole responsibility of the organisers and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. 

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