CIDSE contribution to the 10th session of the UN binding Treaty – CIDSE

CIDSE contribution to the 10th session of the UN binding Treaty

Find out more about CIDSE’s delegation activities at the 10th Session.

Established in 2014, the Open-ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Respect for Human Rights is holding its 10th Session in Geneva, starting today.

For one week, from 16 to 20 December, Member States will resume their negotiations on an international Legally Binding Instrument (LBI) on Business and Human rights on the basis of the Updated draft of the Legally Binding Instrument published in July 2023 – and amended after the 9th Session with textual proposals from States.

On this occasion, CIDSE is publishing its contribution which is divided into the following sections:

  1. State of play
  2. Process, Roadmap and Draft Programme of Work
  3. Strengths and weaknesses of the Updated draft
  4. Complementarity with the EU CSDDD
  5. Recommendations on specific provisions of the Updated draft
  6. Maximising the impact of the process for the Legally Binding Instrument

The document emphasises the importance of engaging the EU in the negotiations. While CIDSE and its member organisations welcomed the adoption of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) earlier this year, we believe that a UN Legally Binding Instrument is crucial for its global scope and could complement the CSDDD.

The coming session will be a key moment for the process towards shaping a UN Treaty that can bring value to global efforts towards protecting human rights from the effects of business activities and providing access to justice for affected people and communities.

Additional reading
Analysis of the UN 2023 Updated Third Draft Legally Binding Instrument on Business and Human Rights by Prof Dr. Markus Krajewski, Stephanie Regalia and Otgontuya Davaanyam, published by CIDSE
CIDSE’s engagement in the 10th session of the UN Legally Binding Instrument

Susana Hernández Torres, Corporate Regulation Officer, CIDSE (hernandez(at)
Armin Paasch, Coordinator of Responsible Business, Misereor (armin.paasch(at)

Cover photo: Water pollution from mining, Bolivia. Credit: Gardon

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