Launch of the Gender Toolkit for the Catholic community

“Whilst promoting gender justice within the Catholic community definitely has its challenges, I can assure you it has far more opportunities. More importantly, now is the right time to build on these opportunities and reach beyond our comfort zone.” Tanja Haque. Gender and Church expert. Author of the Gender Toolkit. Speaker at the event.
The CIDSE Secretariat is excited to invite you to celebrate and exchange with us at the launch event of our “Believe in change” toolkit, a comprehensive tool for the Catholic community to promote gender equality across cultural contexts!
The launch apero with the author of the toolkit, gender and Church expert Tanja Haque, will take place on 19 September at 18:00 in the CIDSE office. Please confirm your participation by 5 September to
More about the toolkit:
The toolkit was developed and launched by CIDSE member CAFOD in March 2018. Due to its great potential to facilitate the promotion of gender equality in Catholic contexts, CIDSE has supported its dissemination and decided to publish an adapted CIDSE version that can serve the whole network and our allies.
The tool is intended to be a resource for staff from church organisations and those who work with them. It brings together case studies, examples and learning from across the world, including inspirational statements, theological reflections, practical exercises and tools. Its use has been tested and piloted with CAFOD partners in Uganda, Kenya, Myanmar, Bangladesh, as well as with visiting partners in Belgium.
The toolkit will be available from September 19 in English, Spanish and French.
Cover photo from: Side by Side: Faith movement for Gender Justice