The EU and civil society: Where do we go from here? Read the interactive report, including videos, of the 2012 CIDSE North-South Development Forum (Brussels, 7-8 May 2012).
CIDSE organises a North-South Development Forum at regular intervals to discuss the future of European Union (EU) development cooperation. Negotiations on the 2014-20 EU budget are ongoing, while a European Commission (EC) Communication on Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Development is upcoming later this year. The 2012 Forum in Brussels therefore posed the timely question ‘Where do we go from here?’ and provided the right opportunity to review and discuss cooperation mechanisms, within the CIDSE family together with Southern partners, as well as with EU representatives, in order to strengthen partnership.
INTERACTIVE REPORT: THE EU AND CIVIL SOCIETY, WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? The report includes video interviews with CIDSE partners and highlights from the public debate with Safia Abdi (Cordaid Kenya), Chris Bain (CIDSE President), Thijs Berman (MEP), Kristian Schmidt (European Commission).
A pdf version of the report is also available below in EN – ES – FR.
EN-The EU and civil society: Where do we go from here?
ES-La UE y la sociedad civil: ¿qué camino seguir?
FR-L’UE et la société civile : Et maintenant, quelle voie emprunter?