Discover CIDSE’s approach in relation to gender equality.
International Women’s Day provides us with an opportunity to reflect on gender equality, and how we integrate it in our work.
As an international family of Catholic social justice agencies, our goal is to achieve global justice, and we deem gender equality as central to the achievement of this goal. In our work with partners and communities around the world, we know that the gender dimension cuts historical, cultural and institutional causes of injustice that perpetuate poverty. We have therefore prioritized gender equality as a cross-cutting issue in our work.
To spark reflections around the topic of gender equality, we have launched a blog series, in which every month partners, members, staff and inspiring thinkers will share their thoughts on gender equality, drawing on their experiences and struggles.
In February, we have published an opening article, in which we expressed CIDSE’s position. You can read here the article, including the points of view of our Secretary General Bernd Nilles and our Senior Policy Advisor Jean Saldanha.
This month, two authors have written blogs on the church’s relation to gender equality. You can read here the blog “Christianity and Gender Equality” arguing that the Catholic Church should be at the forefront of equality between men and women by Ivo Poletto, Philosopher, Theologian and Social Scientist, National Advisor for the Forum on Climate Change and Social Justice (Brazil), and here the blog “Gender Equality is not about women: it is about our shared humanity” by Finola Finnan, Director Strategy, Programmes and Advocacy at CIDSE’s member in Ireland Trócaire. Describing Trocaire’s vision and approach on gender equality, it talks about work done in Uganda together with the Ugandan Episcopal Conference of Bishops to end domestic violence nationally and locally.
In 2015 we published the discussion paper: CIDSE’s discussion paper, “Gender Equality: CIDSE’s Understanding and Definition. Standing for the equal dignity of men and women.” It explains our understanding of the concept of “gender” and “gender equality,” inspired by Catholic Social Teaching and rooted in the principle of the dignity of all human beings. Implicit in this principle is the requirement that men and women have the opportunity to fully exercise all their human rights.