An exploration on Laudato Si’s approach to our relationship and responsibility to care for the land and its small-scale food producers. Joint publication by AEFJN – Africa-Europe Faith and Justice Network; AFJN – Africa Faith and Justice Network; AFSA – Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa; SECAM – Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar; and RECOWA – Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa with the support of CIDSE. October 2018.
(Available in EN – ES – FR – PT)
This paper has the purpose to facilitate the opening of a concrete dialogue on land issues with church actors as proposed by the organisers of the conference ‘Land grabbing in Francophone Africa: identifying and promoting endogenous solutions’ organised by the platform ‘Our land is our life’ in Abidjan in November 2017.
It concludes with a call to action under three main premises:
– Upholding the common good, condemning the commodification of the earth
– Standing on the side of the poor
– Heeding the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor
Fr. Chika Onjyejiuwa, AEFJN (
Fr. Aniedi Okure, AFJN (
Mr. Famara Diedhiou, AFSA (
Fr. Joseph Aka, RECOWA (
Fr. Samuel de Jesus, SECAM (
EN-Joint reflection on land in Africa
FR-Réflexions communes sur les questions foncières en Afrique
PT-Reflexão conjunta sobre a terra em África
ES-Reflexión conjunta sobre la tierra en África