CIDSE was present in Glasgow with a delegation from member organisations and associated partners, including CAFOD/England & Wales, CCFD-Terre Solidaire/France, Cordaid/The Netherlands, Fastenopfer/Switzerland, KOO/Austria, Misereor/Germany, SCIAF/Scotland, Trócaire. CIDSE also worked closely with other partners and allies from the Catholic Church and around the world.
– COP26 misses the chance to deliver real ambitious action and transformation, CIDSE press release, 13 November ( EN / FR)
– Inside COP26: Interview with Lydia Machaka, CIDSE Climate Justice and Energy Officer
– How are the negotiations on climate ambition going? Interview with Anika Schroeder, Misereor Climate Change Policy Officer
– The unclear definition of nature-based solutions allows promoting false and dangerous solutions, Interview with Myrto Tilianaki, CCFD-Terre Solidaire Food Sovereignty and Climate Officer
- Raise the urgency to achieve ambitious emissions reductions to meet the 1.5°C temperature goal guided by science, equity and justice.
- Promote a just transition to renewable energy systems and increase energy access as well as promote agroecology as one of the primary pillars of food sovereignty and climate justice to meet the Paris Agreement temperature goal.
- Increase the provision and access to finance for climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience, as well as Loss and Damage in developing countries by holding developed countries accountable for their climate finance promises.
WED 3 November
– Side event: “Rivers of Peace: the rights of nature, biodiversity conservation and peacebuilding in Chocó, Colombia”. Co-sponsors: University of Glasgow, SCIAF and ABColombia. Hunter Halls, Main building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, 5:30-7:30 PM GMT. Watch the side event live on YouTube!!!
THU 4 November
– Side event: “Transforming climate finance to radically transform societies: the case of Green Climate Fund funding”. Co-sponsors: CIDSE, Misereor, CAWG, CECOEDECON, Ecojesuit, KOO, Maryknoll Sisters, Vermont University. Scottish Event Campus (SEC), Blue Zone, Multimedia Studio 2, 1:15-2:30 PM GMT. !!! Watch the side event live on YouTube !!!

– Side event: “Indigenous peoples of the Amazon and climate change: threats and new energy solutions in indigenous territories”. Co-sponsored by Fastenopfer. Green Zone. 4PM-5:30 PM GMT / 5 PM-6:30 PM CET. Watch the side event live on YouTube !!!

– Side event: “Just transition in food and farming: from local to global”. Co-sponsors: SCIAF and Nourish. Scotland’s Climate Ambition Zone (outside COP), Orangebox Gallery, 6:00-7:30 PM GMT. (upon invitation only)
SAT 6 November
– March: Global day of action for climate. Assemble: Kelvingrove Park, Stewart Memorial Fountain, Glasgow G3 6BY, 11:30 AM GMT followed by rally at 3PM GMT
– Launch of CIDSE Change for the Planet, Care for the People documentary “The future lies with youth”, 6.30 PM GMT /7.30p PM CET. Click on this link to join us. PRESS RELEASE.
SUN 7 November
– COP26 International Mass hosted by the Bishops’conference of Scotland. St Aloysius’ Church, 25 Rose Street, Garnethill, Glasgow, G3 6RE. 1 PM GMT. Registration required.
TUE 9 November
– Global Assembly on the Amazon and the Climate Crisis, Centre for Contemporary Arts, 350 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow G2 3JD, 14:00 GMT. Register HERE. Online participation, register HERE. (8:00 AM Ecuador, Colombia and Peru; 9:00 AM Bolivia, Guyana and Venezuela; 10:00 AM Brazil-Sao Paolo, French Guyana and Suriname).

– Webinar: “Update live from Glasgow”. Organiser: CAFOD. 8-9 PM GMT

WED 10 November
Online debate: “Catholics at COP26”. Organiser: Laudato Si Movement. 18.00-20.00 GMT. Speakers: Dr Carmody Grey, Durham University; Dr Franziska Kohlt, University of York; Bishop John Arnold,Bishop of Salford, England and Wales; Dr Lorna Gold, FaithInvest/Laudato Si Movement; Lydia Machaka, CIDSE and Fr. Eduardo Agosta, member of the Carmelite Order. More information and registration HERE. Watch online in EN – ES – IT – PT.

THU 11 November
Side event: “A Fair Race to Net-Zero; scaling fair, inclusive and gender-focused voluntary carbon markets”. Sponsors: Cordaid, Fair Climate Fund, WOCAN, W+ Standard. Clyde Auditorium 4:45 – 6:00 PM GMT
- Climate justice in the context of COVID-19, CIDSE policy briefing & infographic
- Improving civil society’s limited access to the Green Climate Fund CIDSE study & infographic
- The Courage to Act, blog by Josianne Gauthier, CIDSE Secretary General
- Climate talks with Yeb Saño: ‘Love should be at the center of our advocacy’
- Open letter to world leaders: ‘COP26 must deliver on Loss & Damage’
- Statement by Catholic leaders in G20 countries on consigning fossil fuels to history
- Let Us Build A Planetary Community That Cares For All Life on Earth, Ecclesial Networks Alliance for Integral Ecology (ENA) contributions to COP26 (EN/ES/FR)
- A Fair Shares Phase Out: a Civil Society Equity Review on an Equitable Global Phase Out of Fossil Fuels
- Glasgow climate dialogues communiqué
- SCIAF guide to COP26
- CCFD-Terre Solidaire: Justice climatique: la COP26 en trois défis (video)
– Lydia Machaka, Climate justice & Energy Officer (machaka(at)cidse.org)
– Valentina Pavarotti, Communications Manager (pavarotti(at)cidse.org)
– Carmen Contreras, Communications Officer (contreras(at)cidse.org)
Cover photo: credit CIDSE