Wednesday 2nd of March marks the beginning of Lent, a special time for prayer and reflection. Most of CIDSE’s members organise campaigns and activities with the purpose to pray, raise awareness on topics such as climate change and gender injustice, but also support people in need. This year, Lent starts in a particular troubling time, with the war in Ukraine dramatically shaking the world. Pope Francis has called on people to pray and fast for peace in Ukraine on Ash Wednesday, standing in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and calling for peace to prevail:
“I encourage believers in a special way to devote themselves intensely to prayer and fasting on that day. May the Queen of Peace protect the world from the folly of war.”
Here below is a collection of the activities organised by CIDSE member organisations during this period:
Broederlijk Delen, Belgium – “THE 25% REVOLUTION”
For this year’s Lent, Broederlijk Delen advocates for a 25% Revolution, calling for people to engage in resource sharing and redistribution to combat systemic injustice and promote sustainable living. You can mobilise by joining one of the “Café Revolutionair” in your local community and get inspired by listening to the podcast stories of three partners from Congo, Bolivia and Palestine in their fight for social change. Read more by clicking here.
The 25% Revolution documentary” video is available with subtitles in a variety of languages.
CAFOD, England and Wales – “GETTING FOOD on the table”
CAFOD invites us to show our solidarity with the weakest by marching for the 200 million children whose lives are at risk because of malnutrition and help to provide expert advice and training from health clinics to remote communities in Africa. You can find more resources on their website.
CCFD Terre Solidaire, France – “A NEW WORLD”
CCFD-Terre Solidaire invites us to experience Lent through a series of spiritual gatherings around integral ecology, guided by a revisited “Stations of the Cross”. The revised text, named “A New World”, invites us to improve our ways of living, so that future generations can live in peace on a conserved earth. Additionally, in their current campaign “40 days against hunger” CCFD calls for immediate, transformative action through a series of videos showcasing the effects of climate change, corporate impunity and loss of biodiversity to global hunger.
Development & Peace, Canada – “LET’s PUT People and planet first”
Development & Peace invites us to walk in solidarity with our sisters and brothers in the Global South who put people and planet first. They are also organizing donations in Madagascar, to help residents transform one of the most vulnerable neighborhoods into an ecological village. More information here.
Entraide et Fraternité, Belgium – “LISTEN TO THE CRY OF THE EARTH AND THE CRY OF THE POOR”
This year’s Lent campaign is dedicated to food and land sovereignty in Madagascar. Through a series of online meetings-debates with partners from Madagascar, Entraide et Fraternité, aims to raise attention to the socio-financial challenges of the region and the structural obstacles to the development of agro-ecological alternatives. Highlight events include a webinar on Land Grabbing and Women’s Rights and a day of celebration of Malagasy culture, also known as Tonga Soa Day. More information here.

FastenAKTION, Switzerland – ECUMENICAL CAMPAIGN “Climate Justice Now! – WASTE CREATES HAVOC”
Continuing its work towards climate justice, Fastenaktion together with HEKS/Brot für Alle promote and engage local communities in renewable energy models that respect human rights and environmental standards. The organisation joins its voice with those calling for countries of the global North to reduce their energy consumption, committing to reaching net zero by 2040. The Info-campaign 2022 includes all the information, actions and events that will take place. (available in DE / FR / IT)

KOO and Katholische Frauenbewegung Österreich, Austria – “Share for a better world”
The Austrian Catholic Women’s Movement (KFBÖ) is partnering with AKKMA (Aktibong Kababaihan sa Komunidad ng Mapulang Lupa), a partner organisation from the Philippines for their campaign on women’s empowerment. Under the motto “Caring for each other – together for a future, together for each other”, the campaign aims at drawing attention to unpaid care work, women’s health and safety, and their role in the family structures, by encouraging and informing them of their rights. Click on this link to learn more.

Partage LU, Luxembourg – “On the road to climate justice”
During this year’s campaign, the encouraging stories of courageous people show what a climate-friendly world can look like. Through its campaign, challenges us to face the climate crisis and follow the words of Laudato Si’, uniting in global solidarity to change people’s relationship with nature and achieve substantial social, environmental, and economic reforms. Read more information in the link.

Billions of people around the world live in extreme poverty, with many communities susceptible to conflict, violence and hunger. Manos Unidas aims at raising awareness on the aggravated inequalities that infringe human freedom, calling us to show our solidarity rather than our indifference towards the poor and oppressed. Join the campaign at this link.
Maryknoll OFFICE FOR GLOBAL CONCERNS, USA – “Upholding Human Dignity and Human Rights”
The Maryknoll Office of Global Concerns offers a Reflection Guide focusing on the Catholic social teachings to address contemporary inequalities within the political, economic, and cultural structures of society. Every week will feature a new story from a different country, shared amongst a series of reflections, questions, prayers, and actions based on Scripture readings.

Misereor, Germany – “ES GEHT! GERECHT (IT GOES JUSTLY)”
Through an inspiring campaign for this year’s Lent, Misereor is sharing success stories of people from Bangladesh, Philippines and Germany, working towards a just, climate-friendly world. They published a series of videos showing how climate action can take form in these different contexts, united under the common purpose of restoring balance in our planet and mitigating the effects of climate change.
Every year during Lent, SCIAF collects donations in its Weebox, available also online. This year’s focus is on the people of Malawi who have been impacted by Cyclone Ana, severely affecting almost one million people of the population and killing 46 people. In addition, the organisation is calling people to join the “Acts of Hope” challenge and engage in more sustainable lifestyles, as means for environmental action. Find out more by following this link.
Trócaire, Ireland – “A BETTER TOMORROW”
Trócaire will host a series of workshops during Lent 2022 focusing on climate change, gender-based violence, vaccine equality in the global South with a special focus on Zimbabwe. It offers plenty of religious resources and prayers to be used during mass, in schools and as personal reflections for all of those affected by Covid-19. Find more info here.

Vastenactie, Netherlands – “YOUR COUNTRY IS YOUR LIFE”
Vastenactie’s Lenten campaign is dedicated to the protection of land rights of indigenous peoples. Their right to land touches on major challenges such as food security, biodiversity, environment and climate. More information at this link.

Currently not running a Lenten campaign but many other inspiring activities are the other CIDSE members: Cordaid (Netherlands), eRko (Slovakia), FEC (Portugal), Focsiv (Italy).
Cover photo credit: Vastenactie