
Land grabbing and the need for a legally binding Treaty on transnational corporations & other business enterprises

Communities’ consent and access to justice in large-scale acquisitions: Experiences from West-Africa


Languages: French & English


This online event will highlight the importance of a legally binding instrument for transnational corporations using the example of the Compagnie Héveicole de Prikro (CHP). CHP is the Ivorian subsidiary of a Belgian company called SIAT, which also operates in Ghana and Nigeria. Communities from the three countries have joined together in a regional campaign to oppose the company’s activities. They will tackle the issue of local communities’ consultation and their right to land, food security and a healthy environment. The event will also focus on the need for effective avenues to remedy and justice for right-holders and the role of land defenders, underlining the need for measures ensuring their protection. 


  • Rita Uwaka – Friends of the Earth Nigeria 
  • Widsom KoffiYouth Volunteers for Environment Ghana 
  • Sinan Ouattara – Community Representative in Ivory Coast and spokesperson of the King of Andoh
  • Ana Maria Suarez-Franco – FIAN International  

Moderation: Renaud  Vivien (Entraide et Fraternité) 


  This event is co-founded by the European Union.  The contents are the sole responsibility of the organisers and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union. 


© Photo: Christophe Smets / La Boîte à Images

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