In the 40 days of Lent, CIDSE member organisations usually ask supporters for something. Traditionally, this has been a request for support, a donation to help in the work to make the world a better place for the poor. Many CIDSE organisations also ask for something more, however: a commitment to act, to change their life style and to speak up.
On this page, we have gathered some of those campaigns, such as Scottish SCIAF asking us to look closer at what’s on our plate, at our footprint on the planet and at what we throw away.
Belgian Broederlijk Delen asks us to Plan(t) the future, while Trócaire on Ireland focus on water and the injustices surrounding the vital resource.
CAFOD in England and Wales asks you to “dig deep” to stop hunger, the same topic as our other Belgian member, Entraide & Fraternité works on in their call for justice for farmers’ movements during Lent 2014.
Also French CCFD-Terre Solidaire in their call to “live Lent” (“Vivre le Careme”) call for an end to hunger, while German MISEREOR calls for Coffee Stops, reminds us that “Bravery is to give when all others are taking away” and publish their Lent breviary.
Our Canadian member, Development & Peace remids us that we are one human family and calls for food for all, as does the Swiss Fastenopfer, as part of an ecumenical campaign that reminds us that the seed of today is the bread of tomorrow.
Manos Unidas of Spain is launching their campaign, “A new world, a shared project” (“Un mundo nuevo, proyecto común”). In it, they call for a path towards a universal brotherhood, a condition for full development, founded on trust, justice, love and freedom. Four words define the campaign: “hope”, “world”, “new” and “common”.
CIDSE wishes all the best to those campaigning in this time of Lent, and wishes all to find time to reflect, fast and give generously.