Acting for transformation towards a just and sustainable world, Report of CIDSE workshop (Brussels, 9-10 September 2014). (Available in EN – DE – ES – FR)
Over the past six years, CIDSE has worked to challenge assumptions on growth, development and consumption. This also puts a responsibility on us to question our ways of working and test new approaches. CIDSE has done so by fostering dialogue, based on experience and trends, and by encouraging new ways of thinking and understanding. The first workshop held in May 2013 was an important milestone, helping us to put forward a common vision on “what” key changes are needed for a just and sustainable world. Since then, we have been focusing on “how” we can act to bring this about. This was the focus of the second workshop CIDSE organized in September 2014 which created a space to learn from experiences, voice challenging questions, and inspire our strategies in order to realise human rights and a life in dignity for all.
Please find here the report “Bringing about a paradigm shift towards a just and sustainable world”, including reflections from the 2013 CIDSE workshop.
Contact: Denise Auclair, Senior Policy Advisor (auclair(at)
FR-Agir pour rendre le monde juste et durable
EN-Acting for transformation towards a just and sustainable world
ES-Accion conjunta pare la transformacion hacia un mundo justo y sostenible
DE-Den Wandel gestalten hin zu einer gerechten, nachhaltigen Welt