Why Addis Ababa Matters, CIDSE Recommendations for the Third UN International Financing for Development Conference, March 2015 (Available in EN – FR)
Working towards the successful outcome of the third UN Financing for Development Conference (Addis Ababa, 13-16 July 2015), CIDSE strives to regain the spirit of partnership evoked by the Monterrey Consensus agreed in 2002. The structure of this paper is based on the core six chapters of the Monterrey Consensus. Alongside our advocacy on keeping the same structure for the Outcome Document of the Addis Conference, CIDSE agrees with the widely recognised need to further progress in the integration of the three pillars of sustainable development across the sources of finance addressed in Monterrey.
To rebuild an urgently needed spirit of multilateralism, the agreement in Addis Ababa will need to demonstrate international cooperation that is holistic and built on international solidarity rather than charity. It will need to equally uphold all the three dimensions of sustainable development: environmental, social and economic and put people and not markets at the centre.
Contact person: Jean Letitia Saldanha, CIDSE Senior Policy Advisor (saldanha(at)cidse.org).