A 15 minutes video looks back to the conference about the encyclical Laudato Si, which provided a unique space for discussions, through which worlds that usually operate independently met, shared reflections and built unusual alliances.
A few months after the conference, a video showcases some of the interviews from the two-day gathering and captures the atmosphere of the conference, provided the space to rethink our models of development.
The conference took place in July 2015, shortly after the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si’, which in the meantime had a huge impact on the climate narrative at a global level.
Watch this video to plunge into those 2 days of intense discussions!
About the filming and the content of the video:
The filming took place during the conference, on 2-3 July 2015 in Rome. Filming and editing were carried out by Nuova Romana Immagini. Directions and editorial contents were provided by CIDSE.
Soundtrack: Oaklawn Dreams
External pictures and footage used:
- China landscape, Image by Gustavo Madico/Creative Commons via Flickr
- Driving Cars in a Traffic Jam, Image by epSos.de./ Creative Commons via Flickr
- Industry, Image by Philipp/ Creative Commons via Flickr
- Tuvalu Climate Change, video by Anna González/ Creative Commons via You Tube
- Agroecology: Voices From Social Movements, Via Campesina TV
- Circular economy: saving resources, creating jobs, TV Link.org
- The People’s pilgrimage, Image by the People’s Pilgrimage
- UNDP’s Response to Cyclone Pam – Tuvalu, Images by UNDP/ Creative Commons via Flickr