“Investing in smallholder agriculture for food security and nutrition”, Comments on the Zero Draft of the HLPE Study, 30 January 2013
CIDSE welcomes the opportunity to feed into the development of the report of the High Level Panel of Experts appointed by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS). The draft provides a concise and multidimensional overview to the often simplified issue of small scale food producer`s investment realities. The issue of agricultural investments is a matter of high priority for the CFS this year and this report will bring valuable insights, in particular into the process of the development of rai (responsible agricultural investment) principles.
– Gisele Henriques
– Benjamin Luig (benjamin.luig(at)misereor.de), Misereor. Misereor is CIDSE’s German member
– François Delvaux (francois.delvaux(at)entraide.be), Entraide et Fraternité. Entraide et Fraternité is CIDSE French Speaking Belgian member