As Paris Agreement enters into force, CIDSE urges leaders to scale-up ambitions to address the demands of the most vulnerable – CIDSE

As Paris Agreement enters into force, CIDSE urges leaders to scale-up ambitions to address the demands of the most vulnerable

CIDSE welcomes the early entry into force of the Paris Agreement and urges global leaders to scale-up ambitions for immediate and long-term action to tackle climate change.

The early entry into force of the Paris Agreement is a hopeful sign and an important step forward to address the climate urgency. The momentum brought about through collective action and mobilization by citizens and movements worldwide must continue and should serve as a source of inspiration to keep working together for a just transition and a profound ecological conversion.

While Paris delivered clear temperature goals and aims at decarbonisation, governments are doing far from enough to reach them. At COP22 in Marrakech, we need increased national ambition by all countries to transform their energy, transport and agriculture systems into low carbon systems and pursue greater efforts to keep temperatures below the 1.5°C threshold to avoid the dramatic consequences of climate change on ecosystems and preserve the livelihoods and existence of vulnerable communities around the world.

Helping developing countries to reduce emissions and deal with the impacts of climate change is therefore crucial. The recently launched roadmap showing how developed countries plan to meet their commitments to mobilize $100 bn per year until 2020 is a start, but bolder commitments need to be taken to ensure a significant increase in finance that can contribute effectively to the adaptation needs of developing countries. Greater transparency is key for tracking both public and private flows in order to ensure that climate finance doesn’t come at the expense of development aid. But to ensure a fair and sustainable transition, all climate action undertaken must comply with human rights obligations. As CIDSE, we demand that the Parties deliver clear guidance on how human rights should be effectively promoted, integrated, guaranteed and respected in the implementation of the Paris Agreement.

COP22 will also have to address issues related to agriculture, as our current dominant food system is a major contributor to climate change. “If Parties are serious in keeping the promises made in Paris about a year ago, COP22 must clarify how climate actions in agriculture can contribute to keep temperatures below 1.5°C, while ensuring food security and the right to food for all. The danger however lies in initiatives such as the GACSA that don’t live up with the urgency and radical shift needed and don’t provide effective alternatives to safeguard the people and the planet”, said Giulia Bondi, CIDSE Climate Justice Officer.

As Catholic social justice organizations united in CIDSE and inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’, we are called to keep pushing for a profound transition towards a system where people and planet come first, one that is able to ensure that all human beings live in dignity, within the planet’s natural boundaries grounded in solidarity and the respect for nature at the local, national and international levels.

Protecting the most vulnerable from climate chaos requires bold political action as well as citizens transitioning towards sustainable lifestyles. As part of civil society, CIDSE will continue pushing and mobilizing for swift and ambitious climate action at all levels.” said Bernd Nilles, CIDSE Secretary General.


Note to Editors:
CIDSE’s work on climate justice also draws from our work on the Encyclical Laudato Si’. Ahead of COP21 last year, CIDSE produced a publication “Paris, for the people and the planet” setting the vision for COP21 and beyond, and calling on governments to integrate political decisions within a moral dimension that puts the poorest and most vulnerable communities at the center. The publication also presents key demands to the international community on issues related to climate that continue to be relevant in the context of the current negotiations.

CIDSE will be present in Marrakech with a delegation formed by the International Secretariat (Secretary General and two officers) and climate experts from our member organizations CAFOD, CCFD-Terre Solidaire, Cordaid, Development & Peace, DKA/KOO and Misereor.

CIDSE will be holding two side-events:

Understanding Agriculture in relation to Industrial Food Systems, Compensation and Food Security, and co-hosted with CCFD-Terre Solidaire and Action Against Hunger (ACF), with a range of high-level speakers from IPES-FOOD, the head of delegation of Bolivia and Carbon Market Watch. The event will take place inside the Blue Zone on November 15 at 3-4:30pm in Room Bering.

Solutions for sustainable food systems in a time of climate change, and will be held on November 17, inside the Green Zone from 1-2:30pm.

For more information:
Valentina Pavarotti, CIDSE Media and Communication Officer
+32 (0)2 2824073

CIDSE’s contact in Marrakech:
Giulia Bondi, Climate Justice Officer

Check out also many tips and inspirations for living sustainably through our campaign Change for the Planet- Care for the People!

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