Following the premiere of “The Future lies with youth”, the latest documentary produced by CIDSE within the initiative “Change for the Planet- Care for the People on 8 November 2021, we are pleased to announce that this 40’ movie by film Director, Patrícia Pedrosa about stories from young climate activists and how they put Laudato Si’ principles into practice is now available in multilingual languages.
The documentary features young supporters connected to the following organisations: Misereor (Germany), FEC & Casa Velha (Portugal), CYNESA (Kenya), FOCSIV (Italy), Manos Unidas (Spain) and Fastenaktion (Switzerland) who open up about their engagement for climate justice, concretely showing activism in all its facets, with a strong spiritual dimension.
From working with local schools, to leading land conservation actions, to participating in demonstrations, to looking inwards and going through an ecological conversion; they are doing all they can to care for the planet earth. Their belief and enthusiasm are contagious and represent a sheer of hope in a time of climate crisis.